Kuo-Toa, Harvesting & Loot, treasure from a D&D creature (2024)

Harvesting Table

Instructions: Because this creature is an Humanoid, the player should roll a Medicine Check using the DCs in the table below. On a success, the player is able to harvest the item. On a failure, the item cannot be harvested (either because the character is not skilled enough, or because the item is ruined). The DM should note that many of the items have an expiration, and can not be sold or used after the expiration has passed.

Type: Humanoid (kuo-toa)
Skill: Medicine








DC: 5

ITEM: Kuo-toa's Teeth (pouch)DC:5

A kuo-toa's teeth are sharp, slightly curved, and often serrated at the edges. Fishermen often use the teeth to create fish hooks. Some teeth are large enough to carve and paint to make decorative lures. The teeth can also be used to make crude jewelry and decorations.

VALUE: 5 cp

WEIGHT: 3lb.


DC: 10

ITEM: Kuo-Toa Eyes (x2)DC:10

A kuo-toa's eyes are large, bulbous spheres. The eyes are edible, and often used as an ingredient in many coastal societies. However, many communities pay for the eyes as proof of a bounty being fulfilled.

VALUE: 8 cp

WEIGHT: 1lb.


Most crafting items have an acronym associated with it, such as "DMG". These acronyms refer to specific guide books. For example, "DMG" refers to the "Dungeon Master's Guide". The acronyms for HHH, HHH2 and HHH3 refer to Hamund's Harvesting Handbook, a homebrew harvesting guide that offers a variety of homebrew (not official) magic items. To view and purchase Hamund's Harvesting Handbook, click here.


Many harvested goods will start to rot and decay after a period of time. Below is a quick overview of how we determine expiration dates, and is used as a guide for most harvested items. Note: It is always up to the DM to decide on the exact expiration.

Item Type



Body Part

2 days

Flesh rots and decays quickly.

Body Part, Undead

7 days

Undead body parts are already rotting, so their usefulness can last a little longer than regular flesh (which becomes useless when it rots).


Bones take a very long time to decay.


Feathers take a very long time to decay.


14 days

Ears are predominantly tough cartilage (soft bone). The skin around the ears rot quickly, but the ear remains intact for some time after.


Hair takes a very long time to decay.


3 days

Like other flesh, it rots and decays quickly, but lasts slightly longer


10 days

Hides/Pelts must be treated and soaks in order to retain its usefulness.

Liquid, Vial (i.e. Blood)

7 days

If contained in a stoppered vial, most fluids have a longer shelf life. However, if exposed to air, it gets ruined VERY quickly.

Liquid, Vial (i.e. Slime)

14 days

Slimes and gels tend to have a longer shelf-life than other fluids. However, if exposed to air, it gets ruined VERY quickly.


14 days

Most poisons are viable for about 2 week. However, each poison is different. In additions, proficiency with a poisoner's kit may allow assassins the ability to extend the shelf-life every few weeks (adding other ingredients to extend the poison's usefulness)


5 days

Usually a strip of skin, which can be preserved with some oil to last a little longer than other flesh.


7 days

While wings contain flesh, which rots quickly, the bones and leather/feather last much longer, making the wings usefulness last longers.

Individual Treasure

Kuo-Toa, Harvesting & Loot, treasure from a D&D creature (3)

6 sp

Random Roll: d100 = 58


d100 cp sp ep gp pp
01-30 cp: 5d6 (17) sp: ep: gp: pp:
31-60 cp: sp: 4d6 (14) ep: gp: pp:
61-70 cp: sp: ep: 3d6 (10) gp: pp:
71-95 cp: sp: ep: gp: 3d6 (10) pp:
96-100 cp: sp: ep: gp: pp: 1d6 (3)

Treasure Hoard

Kuo-Toa, Harvesting & Loot, treasure from a D&D creature (4)

Coins: 1390 cp, 735 sp, 61 gp
Gems: 10 gems worth 10 gp each
[1 Turquoise, 1 Blue quartz, 1 Rhodochrosite, 1 Moss agate, 1 Malachite, 1 Obsidian, 2 Lapis lazuli, 1 Hematite, 1 Azurite]
Magic Items (3): [3 Potion of Healing (2d4 + 2)]

Random Roll: d100 = 37


cp sp ep gp pp
Coins cp: 6d6 x 100 (2100) sp: 3d6 x 100 (1050) ep: gp: 2d6 x 10 (70) pp:
d100 Gems or Art Objects Magic Items
01-06 Gems or Art Objects: Magic Items:
07-16 Gems or Art Objects: 2d6 (7) 10 gp gems Magic Items:
17-26 Gems or Art Objects: 2d4 (5) 25 gp art objects Magic Items:
27-36 Gems or Art Objects: 2d6 (7) 50 gp gems Magic Items:
37-44 Gems or Art Objects: 2d6 (7) 10 gp gems Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table A
45-52 Gems or Art Objects: 2d4 (5) 25 gp art objects Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table A
53-60 Gems or Art Objects: 2d6 (7) 50 gp gems Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table A
61-65 Gems or Art Objects: 2d6 (7) 10 gp gems Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table B
66-70 Gems or Art Objects: 2d4 (5) 25 gp art objects Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table B
71-75 Gems or Art Objects: 2d6 (7) 50 gp gems Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table B
76-78 Gems or Art Objects: 2d6 (7) 10 gp gems Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table C
79-80 Gems or Art Objects: 2d4 (5) 25 gp art objects Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table C
81-85 Gems or Art Objects: 2d6 (7) 50 gp gems Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table C
86-92 Gems or Art Objects: 2d4 (5) 25 gp art objects Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table F
93-97 Gems or Art Objects: 2d6 (7) 50 gp gems Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table F
98-99 Gems or Art Objects: 2d4 (5) 25 gp art objects Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table G
100 Gems or Art Objects: 2d6 (7) 50 gp gems Magic Items: Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table G

Equipment & Other Goods

Typically found on (or even "in" the creature)

This character usually carries: 1 Spear, 1 Net, 1 Shield

Kuo-Toa, Harvesting & Loot, treasure from a D&D creature (5)

1 Spear
[5 sp (quality: .5×, size: 1×, normally 1 gp)][3 lb.]
low quality, dirty with a rustic wood shaft and a steel tip

1 Net
[5 sp (quality: .5×, size: 1×, normally 1 gp)][3 lb.]
low quality

1 Norman Kite Shield
[5 gp (quality: .5×, size: 1×, normally 10 gp)][6 lb.]
low quality made of ironwood

The tables below show how we determine an item's value and weight modifiers. The first table determines the item's value modifier based on its quality. The second table determines the item's value and weight modifiers based on the creature's size.
d100 % Chance Quality Value
1-2 % Chance: 2% Quality: Superb Value: 1.5×
3-5 % Chance: 3% Quality: Almost New Value:
6-55 % Chance: 50% Quality: Low Quality (poorly made, high use) Value: 0.5×
56-65 % Chance: 10% Quality: Terrible Quality (cracked, warped) Value: 0.1×
66-100 % Chance: 35% Quality: Destroyed Value:

Creature's size and its value and weight modifiers.

Size Weight(x) Value(x) Note
Tiny Weight(x): ¼× Value(x): ¼× Note: Tiny creatures often carry very small weapons & armor, too small for other creature.
Small Weight(x): Value(x): Note: Small creatures tend to use smaller standard weapons, like daggers and shortswords, but it is the DM's discretion if the items are usable or have a modified weight/value.
Medium Weight(x): Value(x):
Large Weight(x): Value(x): Note: Large creatures tend to use larger standard weapons, like greatswords and greatclubs, but it is the DM's discretion if the items are usable or have a modified weight/value.
Huge Weight(x): Value(x): Note: The increase in value is for the raw materials (as the items are way too large to be useful).
Gargantuan Weight(x): 15× Value(x): Note: The increase in value is for the raw materials (as the items are way too large to be useful).


Kuo-Toa, Harvesting & Loot, treasure from a D&D creature (6)

1 coral belt buckle, decorated with several small misshapen pearls

Random Roll: 1d20 = 11







1 waterskin of saltwater

5 lb.

2 sp


1 flask of green slime

4 lb.

1 sp


1 waterskin of fermented fish blood

5 lb.

7 sp


1 pouch of fish scales

2 lb.

5 cp


1 necklace of various teeth

1 lb.

3 sp


1 pouch of seaweed

4 lb.

5 cp


1 crude coral carving of a fish

1 lb.

4 sp


1 necklace made of fish bones

1 lb.

1 sp


1 bracelet of barracuda teeth

½ lb.

8 cp


1 rubbery sash embroidered with kuo-toa fighting a kraken

2 lb.

5 sp


1 coral belt buckle, decorated with several small misshapen pearls

1 lb.

1 gp


1 crude stone dagger with a coral hilt

2 lb.

1 gp


1 torn net made from seaweed (unusable)

3 lb.

1 sp


1 rock painted with a wave crashing over a town

6 lb.

3 cp


1 flask of blood from an unknown source

5 lb.

3 sp


1 coral pendant of a lobster head (the symbol of Blibdoolpoolp)

1 lb.

5 sp


1 head of a harpoon, bent

4 lb.

1 sp


1 pink-yellow conch shell

4 lb.

5 sp


1d4 whole fish (spoils in 1 day)

2 lb.

5 cp


1d4 small animal carcass(es)

1 lb.

1 sp


Kuo-Toa, Harvesting & Loot, treasure from a D&D creature (7)

The meat of many monsters is considered vile and distasteful. Monstrosities and aberrations, in particular, may have tainted blood or rancid tasting meat. Dungeon Master's discretion.

Kuo-Toa, Harvesting & Loot, treasure from a D&D creature (8)

This creature produces 6 pieces of meat, weighing a total of 24 lbs.

Random Roll: 2d6 = 6

Medium creatures produce 2d6 worth of meat.


The table below shows how much meat an inexperienced butcher may be able to harvest from a creature, especially after a battle may have ruined some of the meat (i.e. burned, frozen, poisoned, etc.). If a whole creature's carcass is brought to a butcher, the butcher may pay 4x the value rolled in the chart below for the carcass (if the butcher even WANTS this kind of creature - DM discretion). Of course, carrying a heavy carcass can be difficult, and the creature's bacteria that kept it alive will begin to ruin the meat, spoiling it within a day.

BeastSize DC Meat Weight(x4)† Expire‡ Value(x2sp)⋆
Tiny DC: 5 Meat: 1 Weight(x4)†: 4 lb. Expire‡: 1 day Value(x2sp)⋆: 2 sp
Small DC: 5 Meat: 1d4 Weight(x4)†: 4-16 lb. Expire‡: 1 day Value(x2sp)⋆: 2-8 sp
Medium DC: 5 Meat: 2d6 Weight(x4)†: 8-48 lb. Expire‡: 1 day Value(x2sp)⋆: 4-24 sp
Large DC: 5 Meat: 6d6 Weight(x4)†: 24-144 lb. Expire‡: 1 day Value(x2sp)⋆: 12-72 sp
Huge DC: 5 Meat: 8d12 Weight(x4)†: 32-384 lb. Expire‡: 1 day Value(x2sp)⋆: 16-192 sp
Gargantuan DC: 5 Meat: 8d20 Weight(x4)†: 32-640 lb. Expire‡: 1 day Value(x2sp)⋆: 16-320 sp

† The weight of a raw piece of meat is 4 pounds. And one slab of meat (4 lbs.), can be used to make 1 dried ration (2 lbs.).
‡ Raw meat has a very short shelf-life, and will go bad within a day if it is not refridgerated or cured.
⋆ The table above uses a standard price of 5cp per pound for regular a piece of animal meat (such as cattle or deer). The value of meat can vary drastically, depending on the quality, rarity and the creature it is sourced from. For example, dragon meat could cost 10x more than standard livestock meat, while insect meat could cost only a copper or two per pound. A DM can decide if that is adequate, and if certain meat is worth more or less.

Meat and Creature Types

Some creature types have meat that is inedible (i.e udead), while others carry some sort of stygma (cannibalism, distasteful, unholy). For example, eating a celestial may be considered a vile, unholy act; while eating a monstrosity may be considered disgusting and distasteful; in addition, giants are too similar to most medium-sized humanoids and are often considered inline with cannibalism. Of course, while buying meats with a stygma is forbidden and possibly illegal in most places, there are always people willing to buy illegal goods (although they may be hard to find).

Creature Type


Possible Stigma











Cannibalism, Holy Creature














Cannibalism, Worshipped

Some are inedible






Cannibalism, Disgusting Creature








Disgusting Creature







No meat




* Some monstrosities have meat that is edible (DM Discretion)

Eating Meat

Cooked meat can be eaten safely. Cooking meat requires a campfire or oven. Eating raw meat requires a DC 10 Constitution Check. A successful check results in a filling meal. A failure results in debilitating stomach cramps, causing 1 level of exhaustion (disadvantage on ability checks).

Drying Meat

The meat can be dried using salt, spices, heat and time.






6 hours


Smoke Hut

2 days


Smoking must be maintained periodically (can't be left alone for days)


16 hours


Must be in direct sunlight, in over 85°F.
Set on a hot stone, or hanging from a rack.
Higher chance of spoiling.

Kuo-Toa, Harvesting & Loot, treasure from a D&D creature (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.