Mario and Peach's Ordinary Date - WillSGo (2024)

[Open to a wide view of Peach’s Castle; cut to inside Peach’s room as a knock is heard on the other side. Peach tiptoes into view]

Peach: [singsong] Coming! [Peach twirls around and opens the door, revealing her husband Mario, their twin sons Marc and Peter, and Luigi and Daisy’s daughter Laura as they enter]

Mario: Who’s ready for our Tuesday night dinner?

Peach: Oh, moi!

Marc: It was nice of you to bring us along, Mom and Dad!

Peter: Yeah, and it was also nice to bring Laura!

Laura: Well, do I need an excuse to hang out with my two favorite cousins? [Laura puts her arms around Marc and Peter]

Marc & Peter: We’re your only cousins! [Marc, Peter, and Laura laugh]

Mario: Well, then, shall we? [Mario does an exaggerated bow]

[Peach starts to take Mario’s arm, but…]

Peach: Oh! I forgot something. Be right back!

[Peach walks upstairs. As she does this, Mario pulls out a giant walkie-talkie from under his hat and talks into it]

Mario: Mario One to Eagle’s Roost.

[Cut to outside the castle as he and the kids look down]

Mario: You in position? Over.

[Pan down to a tree where Luigi, Toad, Wario, and Waluigi poke their heads out and duck back into the tree; cut to inside the tree as the guys are on a branch next to something covered by a blanket. Toad talks into another giant walkie-talkie]

Toad: We’re good to go! [Toad removes the blanket to reveal a bird cage with bluebirds chirping; one of the bluebirds gives a thumbs up]

[Cut back to inside Peach’s room as Mario talks into the walkie-talkie]

Mario: Oh, Peach’s gonna be so surprised! She thinks this is just our ordinary Tuesday dinner date. [As Mario talks, Laura sneaks upstairs to figure out what her aunt is up to]

[Pan up to Peach’s walk-in closet as Peach talks into another giant walkie-talkie]

Peach: Peach One to Eagle’s Perch.

[Cut to the back balcony as she looks down]

Peach: Come in. Are we ready?

[Pan down to another tree where Daisy, Toadette, Mona, and Rosalina poke their heads out and duck back into the tree; cut to inside the tree as the girls are on a branch. Toadette talks into yet another giant walkie-talkie]

Toadette: The package is ready to fly.

[Mona pulls out a parrot wearing a hood; Daisy pulls the hood off]

Parrot: I love you, Mario. [laughs]

[Cut back to inside the walk-in close as Peach talks into her giant walkie-talkie]

Peach: [giggles] He’s going to be so surprised. He thinks this is just our ordinary Tuesday dinner date.

[Split screen of Mario and Peach as they talk simultaneously]

Mario: With your help, we’ll make the ordinary extraordinary. Then she’ll see just how much I love her.

Peach: With your help, we’ll make the ordinary extraordinary. Then he’ll see just how much I love him. [giggles]

[Cut to Laura dashing down the stairs as Peach’s side slides away; Mario hears Peach walking downstairs and hides the walkie-talkie back into his hat]

Peach: Ready!

Mario: Our ordinary Tuesday dinner awaits!

Peach: Sure does! [Mario and Peach hold hands and chuckle; they walk off-screen leaving the kids]

Marc: The girls are doing the same thing as the guys?

Laura: Yep.

Peter: This ought to be good. [The kids walk off-screen]

[Cut to the front of Peach’s castle as Mario, Peach, and the kids walk out the front doors]

Mario: Your chariot, signora. [Pan to Mario’s convertible]

[Cut to a close-up of Mario as he winks at the guys; the guys duck into the tree as Toad releases the bluebirds]

[The bluebirds drop a red carpet for Peach as she notices the bluebirds]

Peach: Oh! [giggles]

[The bluebirds help Minnie to the car; cut to a close-up of Peach as she winks at the girls; the girls duck into a bush as Daisy removes the parrot’s hood again]

[Cut to Mario as the parrot lands on his finger]

Parrot: Hiya, handsome! [the parrot starts dancing] ♫Wa-dah, ba-dah, ba, ba! ♫[The parrot stops and notices the bluebirds] Wait! [deeper] Hey!

[Cut to Peach and the bluebirds; the camera zooms in on one of the bluebirds as it suddenly gets a co*ckney accent and a scar]

Bluebird: Oi! You got some nerve showing your beak around here!

[Cut to a close-up of the parrot]

Parrot: You still owe me money. [Cut back to a worried Mario and the kids as the parrot drags Mario]

[Cut to an equally worried Peach as the bluebirds begin to drag her along]

Bluebird: Get the geezer!

[The kids dive into the backseat of the car as Mario and Peach get caught in the dust cloud of the fighting feathers; a screaming Mario and Peach rush to the car and speed off]

[Cut to Mario driving as his hat and Peach’s crown are askew]

Mario: Where’d that parrot come from?! [Peach gets worried]

Peach: And those co*ckney birds! [Mario gets worried as well; Peach moves her crown back in place]

Marc: [changing the subject] Uh… I know! How about we take the scenic route?

Peach: Through the park?

Mario and Peach: How romantic!

[Mario drives left at the fork in the road; cut to Mario, Peach, and the kids as they admire the park]

Peter: [notices something] Hey, guys, look!

[Cut to a view of the left side of the park as the group sees a herd of deer; cut to a close up of Mario driving]

Mario: You know, I’m-a just [leans out and yells] WILD ABOUT WILDLIFE! [leans back in and chuckles]

[Cut to two deer and two rabbits with the car in the distance; Luigi and Waluigi emerge from the deer costumes]

Luigi and Waluigi: That’s-a the signal!

[Toad and Wario emerge from the rabbit costumes; Wario is not too happy about it]

Toad: The signal?!

[The guys rush off-screen]

Wario: [off-screen] How come I had to be the bunny?!

Waluigi: [off-screen, nervously] You’d be too muscular to be a deer?

Wario: [off-screen] Oh.

[Cut to the guys as they part the trees to reveal a giant balloon of Peach]

Toad: Wait ‘til she sees this!

[Cut back to the group in the car]

Mario: You know, it’s such a beautiful day. Why don’t you look at the clouds? You might see something to inflate your heart.

[Cut to Peach and the right of the park]

Peach: Oh, I will, as soon as I finish enjoying [leans out and hollers] ALL THE PRETTY TREES AND ROCKS! [leans back in and giggles]

[Cut to two trees and two rocks with the car in the distance; Daisy and Rosalina emerge from the tree costumes]

Daisy and Rosalina: [gasps] We’re on!

[Mona and Toadette emerge from the rock costumes like Koopa Troopas]

Toadette: Woo-hoo!

Mona: Let’s rock!

[The girls rush off-screen; cut to them pulling the cover off of a muscular Mario topiary with a bow and arrow]

The Girls: It’s huge!

[Cut to Mario, Peach, and the kids looking up; the camera cuts to behind the car as Mario and Peach tries to get each other’s attention to their surprise with the kids noticing both]

Mario and Peach: Oooh! Look! Look, look, look, look, look- [Mario drives into a tunnel] Aw. [Mario and Peach focus on the road]

[Cut to the guys as Wario checks his watch]

Wario: They’ll be here any minute!

Luigi: Oh! [Luigi pulls out his camera] I gotta get my camera ready for this.

Waluigi: Oh, boy, oh, boy!

[Pan up to the balloon as the wind carries it away; cut to the girls and the topiary]

Daisy: No, really, he’s gonna cry. Like, ugly cry.

[Unbeknownst to the girls, the balloon floats all the way to the arrow, popping it and startling the girls, causing them to scream, thus making the deer panic and rush onto the road]

[Cut to a close-up of Mario]

Mario: Oh, dear!

[Mario slams on the brakes, causing the car to flip and carry its screaming passengers over the deer until it land right side up with everyone silent; Mario looks back behind him, then turns to face the road again]

Mario: [nervously chuckles] Maybe we should stick to the highway. [Mario drives onto the main highway]

Peach: I think you’re right.

[Cut to an airport where the guys rush into a plane; the guys are exhausted]

Toad: You know, I’m starting to think Mario should just tell Peach how he feels.

Wario: Yeah! How come we have to do the dirty work?!

Waluigi: Wish I knew, bro. [Waluigi turns to Luigi] L?

Luigi: Got it. [starts the plane; the guys fly off]

[Cut to the car as it drives on the road; pan to the girls climbing up a billboard]

Toadette: This is getting ridiculous! Ugh. To Lost Levels with this! I’m out! [Toadette, Rosalina, and Daisy try to bail out, but Mona catches them with one hand]

Mona: Oh, no, you don’t! You ain’t leaving me high and dry!

[Mona drags the others up with her]

[Cut to Mario and Peach looking up at the sky again. Mario notices the guys’ plane; cut to the guys giving Mario a thumbs up, they sky-write the words “To Peach”]

Mario: Ah! Honey, look! [Mario tries to get Peach’s attention]

[Cut to Peach’s side as she notice the girls on the billboard; the billboard says “WOW! I Love U” with hearts and bright lights]

Peach: Babe, look! [Peach tries to get Mario’s attention]

[The bright lights temporarily blind Luigi as the plane spirals, skywriting “AAAAA” – right into the billboard, causing a mushroom cloud; Mario, Peach, and the kids are stunned silent at this. The billboard now reads “OW” as the car goes past it]

[Cut to an exterior shot of the restaurant; cut to the inside of the restaurant with Mario, Peach, and the kids at their table. The Hammer Brother waiter brings them their food: spaghetti for Mario, a pizza for Peach, and calzones for the kids]

Peach: [inner thoughts] This date is a complete disaster!

Mario: [inner thoughts] Oh, no. She’s hating this.

[Mario dumps the spaghetti into his overalls]

Mario: Mamma mia! [chuckles] Well, I better go wash this stain out!

[Peach drops her pizza onto her dress]

Peach: Me, too!

[Mario and Peach run to the boys’ restroom and girls’ restroom, respectively; Marc and Peter follow Mario, and Laura follows Peach]

[Cut to inside the boys’ restroom with Mario, his sons, and the guys; the guys are all banged up]

Mario: Guys, it’s not working! Peach is…

[Cut to inside the girls’ restroom with Peach, Laura, and the girls; the girls are banged up as well]

Peach: …totally miserable! [Cut to a close-up of Peach] Looks like we’ll have to employ…

[Flip to a close-up of Mario]

Mario: … the nuclear option.

[Split screen of the guys, girls and kids]

Everyone except Mario and Peach: [gasps] You don’t mean…

[Split screen of Mario and Peach]

Mario and Peach: That’s right. Pulling off all the remaining surprises at once!

[Cut to the girls’ bathroom]

Mona: Peach! Why don’t you just tell Mario how you feel?

[Cut to the guys’ bathroom]

Toad: Yeah, what Mona sai- I mean, what Wario said.

Mario: [chuckles] Oh, my dear Toad. [dramatically] Can a drop of rain put into words the beauty of the mighty ocean?

[Cut to Peach]

Peach: [equally dramatic] Do you skip to dessert when ze meal is so magnifique?

[Cut back to Mario]

Mario: Does the lark cry when the candle is made of such fine honey?

[Cut to Wario and Toad]

Wario and Toad: Okay, okay!

[Cut to Daisy and Rosalina]

Daisy and Rosalina: We’ll help you.

[Cut to Luigi and Waluigi]

Luigi and Waluigi: Just please…

[Cut to Mona and Toadette]

Mona and Toadette: Let this be it!

[Split screen of everyone]

Mario and Peach: Just wait for my signal!

[Everyone rushes out of the bathrooms; Mario, Peach, and the kids return to the table. The kids put on protective gear as Mario and Peach raise their glasses]

Mario and Peach: A toast…

[The groups give thumbs up]

Mario and Peach: … to our ordinary dinner.


[Split screen of the guys and the girls]

Both groups: The signal!

[Toadette rushes in with giant chocolate soft-serve ice cream with “M + P”, with Toad rushing in with a giant ice sculpture of Mario with a heart; both crash into each other, getting ice cream all over the place]

[Luigi summons the restaurant’s band while dodging the head of the ice sculpture, which hits the lever, smashing the band]

[Mona and Daisy turn on the stage lights on a giant Mario head, a heart, and a giant Peach head doing a chorus line. Some of the restaurant-goers crash into the stairs, causing them to roll down- just as Wario and Waluigi walk in with a box of fireworks. Then the wood-fire oven lands on a plank, catapulting them into the air and dropping the fireworks into the fire.]

[The guys, girls, and kids rush out of the restaurant just as the fireworks explode; everyone watches the aftermath]

Mario: This is all my fault. Peach, I have a confession to make: I tried to make our ordinary date extraordinary. [Mario turns away from Peach] But it all turned into a disaster. [Mario turns back to Peach] I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me.

Peach: [rubs her neck] Actually, it’s kinda my fault, too. I tried to make it extraordinary, too. [Peach grabs Mario’s hand]

Mario: We don’t need fancy displays to show how we feel. All we need is…

Mario and Peach: Each other. [Everyone smiles]

Rosalina: Maybe you should’ve just gone with a simple dinner.

[An explosion launches Mario, Peach, and the kids’ table with their food, along with other tables and a buffet right next to everyone]

Everyone: [shrugs] Ah, what the hey. [Everyone digs in]

The End

Mario and Peach's Ordinary Date - WillSGo (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.