Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (2024)

Learn about this topic in these articles:

breeder reactors

  • In breeder reactor

    …a breeder reactor employs either uranium-238 or thorium, of which sizable quantities are available. Uranium-238, for example, accounts for more than 99 percent of all naturally occurring uranium. In breeders, approximately 70 percent of this isotope can be utilized for power production. Conventional reactors, in contrast, can extract less than…

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fissile material

  • In fissile material

    …produced from the fertile materials uranium-238 and thorium-232, respectively. A fertile material, not itself capable of undergoing fission with low-energy neutrons, is one that decays into fissile material after neutron absorption within a reactor. Thorium-232 and uranium-238 are the only two naturally occurring fertile materials.

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  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (1)

    In rock: Radioactive heat generation

    …the most important are uranium-235, uranium-238, and thorium-232—and a few with a lower atomic number, such as potassium-40.

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helium dating

  • In helium dating

    of the radioactive isotopes uranium-235, uranium-238, and thorium-232. Because of this decay, the helium content of any mineral or rock capable of retaining helium will increase during the lifetime of that mineral or rock, and the ratio of helium to its radioactive progenitors then becomes a measure of geologic time.…

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Manhattan Project research

  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (2)

    In Manhattan Project: Manhattan Project expansion under Groves and Oppenheimer

    …companion, the much more abundant uranium-238, by chemical means; the atoms of these respective isotopes must rather be separated from each other by physical means. Several physical methods to do this were intensively explored, and two were chosen—the electromagnetic process developed at the University of California, Berkeley, under Ernest Orlando…

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nuclear weapons

  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (3)

    In nuclear weapon: Discovery of nuclear fission

    …undergoing fission; the other isotope, uranium-238, merely absorbed the neutrons. It was discovered that neutrons were also produced during the fission process; on average, each fissioning atom produced more than two neutrons. If the proper amount of material were assembled, these free neutrons might create a chain reaction. Under special…

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  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (4)

    In nuclear reactor: Fissile and fertile materials

    …create quantities of plutonium-239 from uranium-238, the principal constituent of naturally occurring uranium. Absorption of a neutron in the uranium-238 nucleus yields uranium-239, which decays after 23.47 minutes through electron emission into neptunium-239 and ultimately, after 2.356 days, into plutonium-239.

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  • In uranium processing

    …of the metal consists of uranium-238; the remainder consists of uranium-235 (0.72 percent) and uranium-234 (0.006 percent). Of these naturally occurring isotopes, only uranium-235 is directly fissionable by neutron irradiation. However, uranium-238, upon absorbing a neutron, forms uranium-239, and this latter isotope eventually decays into plutonium-239—a fissile material of great…

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  • In uranium processing: Conversion to plutonium

    The nonfissile uranium-238 can be converted to fissile plutonium-239 by the following nuclear reactions:

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radioactive isotopes

  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (5)

    In dating: Origin of radioactive elements used

    …needs to know that though uranium-238 (238U) does indeed decay to lead-206 (206Pb), it is not a one-step process. In fact, this is a multistep process involving the expulsion of eight alpha particles and six beta particles, along with a considerable amount of energy. There exists a series of different…

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  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (6)

    In dating: Fission-track dating

    …during the spontaneous fission of uranium-238. In this unique type of radioactive decay, the nucleus of a single parent uranium atom splits into two fragments of similar mass with such force that a trail of crystal damage is left in the mineral. Immersing the sample in an etching solution of…

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spontaneous fission

  • In spontaneous fission

    Petrzhak in uranium-238, is observable in many nuclear species of mass number 230 or more. Among these nuclides, those with lower mass numbers generally have longer half-lives. Uranium-238 has a half-life of about 1016 years when it decays by spontaneous fission, whereas fermium-256 decays with a half-life…

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  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (7)

    In nuclear fission: Spontaneous fission

    In the case of uranium-238, the process has a very low probability, requiring more than 1015 years for half of the material to be transformed (its so-called half-life) by this reaction. On the other hand, the probability for spontaneous fission increases dramatically for the heaviest nuclides known and becomes…

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  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (8)

    In uranium

    …naturally of a mixture of uranium-238 (99.27 percent, 4,510,000,000-year half-life), uranium-235 (0.72 percent, 713,000,000-year half-life), and uranium-234 (0.006 percent, 247,000-year half-life). These long half-lives make determinations of the age of Earth possible by measuring the amounts of lead, uranium’s ultimate decay product, in certain uranium-containing rocks. Uranium-238 is the parent…

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thermonuclear warhead design

  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (9)

    In thermonuclear warhead: Enhanced designs

    Uranium-238 and thorium-232 (and some other fissionable materials) cannot maintain a self-sustaining fission explosion, but these isotopes can be made to fission by an externally maintained supply of fast neutrons from fission or fusion reactions. Thus, the yield of a nuclear weapon can be increased…

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toxicology and radiation

uranium-thorium-lead dating

  • In uranium-thorium-lead dating

    …the uranium isotopes uranium-235 and uranium-238 and the thorium isotope thorium-232.

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Key PeoplePhilip Hauge Abelson

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chemical isotope

Learn about this topic in these articles:

breeder reactors

  • In breeder reactor

    …a breeder reactor employs either uranium-238 or thorium, of which sizable quantities are available. Uranium-238, for example, accounts for more than 99 percent of all naturally occurring uranium. In breeders, approximately 70 percent of this isotope can be utilized for power production. Conventional reactors, in contrast, can extract less than…

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fissile material

  • In fissile material

    …produced from the fertile materials uranium-238 and thorium-232, respectively. A fertile material, not itself capable of undergoing fission with low-energy neutrons, is one that decays into fissile material after neutron absorption within a reactor. Thorium-232 and uranium-238 are the only two naturally occurring fertile materials.

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  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (18)

    In rock: Radioactive heat generation

    …the most important are uranium-235, uranium-238, and thorium-232—and a few with a lower atomic number, such as potassium-40.

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helium dating

  • In helium dating

    of the radioactive isotopes uranium-235, uranium-238, and thorium-232. Because of this decay, the helium content of any mineral or rock capable of retaining helium will increase during the lifetime of that mineral or rock, and the ratio of helium to its radioactive progenitors then becomes a measure of geologic time.…

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Manhattan Project research

  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (19)

    In Manhattan Project: Manhattan Project expansion under Groves and Oppenheimer

    …companion, the much more abundant uranium-238, by chemical means; the atoms of these respective isotopes must rather be separated from each other by physical means. Several physical methods to do this were intensively explored, and two were chosen—the electromagnetic process developed at the University of California, Berkeley, under Ernest Orlando…

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nuclear weapons

  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (20)

    In nuclear weapon: Discovery of nuclear fission

    …undergoing fission; the other isotope, uranium-238, merely absorbed the neutrons. It was discovered that neutrons were also produced during the fission process; on average, each fissioning atom produced more than two neutrons. If the proper amount of material were assembled, these free neutrons might create a chain reaction. Under special…

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  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (21)

    In nuclear reactor: Fissile and fertile materials

    …create quantities of plutonium-239 from uranium-238, the principal constituent of naturally occurring uranium. Absorption of a neutron in the uranium-238 nucleus yields uranium-239, which decays after 23.47 minutes through electron emission into neptunium-239 and ultimately, after 2.356 days, into plutonium-239.

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  • In uranium processing

    …of the metal consists of uranium-238; the remainder consists of uranium-235 (0.72 percent) and uranium-234 (0.006 percent). Of these naturally occurring isotopes, only uranium-235 is directly fissionable by neutron irradiation. However, uranium-238, upon absorbing a neutron, forms uranium-239, and this latter isotope eventually decays into plutonium-239—a fissile material of great…

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  • In uranium processing: Conversion to plutonium

    The nonfissile uranium-238 can be converted to fissile plutonium-239 by the following nuclear reactions:

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radioactive isotopes

  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (22)

    In dating: Origin of radioactive elements used

    …needs to know that though uranium-238 (238U) does indeed decay to lead-206 (206Pb), it is not a one-step process. In fact, this is a multistep process involving the expulsion of eight alpha particles and six beta particles, along with a considerable amount of energy. There exists a series of different…

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  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (23)

    In dating: Fission-track dating

    …during the spontaneous fission of uranium-238. In this unique type of radioactive decay, the nucleus of a single parent uranium atom splits into two fragments of similar mass with such force that a trail of crystal damage is left in the mineral. Immersing the sample in an etching solution of…

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spontaneous fission

  • In spontaneous fission

    Petrzhak in uranium-238, is observable in many nuclear species of mass number 230 or more. Among these nuclides, those with lower mass numbers generally have longer half-lives. Uranium-238 has a half-life of about 1016 years when it decays by spontaneous fission, whereas fermium-256 decays with a half-life…

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  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (24)

    In nuclear fission: Spontaneous fission

    In the case of uranium-238, the process has a very low probability, requiring more than 1015 years for half of the material to be transformed (its so-called half-life) by this reaction. On the other hand, the probability for spontaneous fission increases dramatically for the heaviest nuclides known and becomes…

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  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (25)

    In uranium

    …naturally of a mixture of uranium-238 (99.27 percent, 4,510,000,000-year half-life), uranium-235 (0.72 percent, 713,000,000-year half-life), and uranium-234 (0.006 percent, 247,000-year half-life). These long half-lives make determinations of the age of Earth possible by measuring the amounts of lead, uranium’s ultimate decay product, in certain uranium-containing rocks. Uranium-238 is the parent…

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thermonuclear warhead design

  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (26)

    In thermonuclear warhead: Enhanced designs

    Uranium-238 and thorium-232 (and some other fissionable materials) cannot maintain a self-sustaining fission explosion, but these isotopes can be made to fission by an externally maintained supply of fast neutrons from fission or fusion reactions. Thus, the yield of a nuclear weapon can be increased…

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toxicology and radiation

  • Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (27)

    In poison: Local toxicities of common alpha-particle emitters

    The series starts with uranium-238. The nuclear disintegration of uranium-238 forms radium-226 which disintegrates to form radon gas (radon-222). Radon decays to form a series of daughter nuclides, most of which are alpha-particle-releasing isotopes, such as polonium-210. The radioisotopes in the uranium series are important because uranium is the…

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uranium-thorium-lead dating

  • In uranium-thorium-lead dating

    …the uranium isotopes uranium-235 and uranium-238 and the thorium isotope thorium-232.

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Uranium-238 | chemical isotope (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.