Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (2024)


Best in Slot Gear and Alternatives

With the flexibility afforded by the seven available pieces of the Tal Rasha set and theTal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (1) Ring of Royal Grandeur, you will be able to take five Tal's set pieces,mix two additional sets into the build, and still enjoy their full bonuses. InGreater Rift speed farming, the two additional sets will be Aughild'sAuthority (via Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (2) Aughild's Power and Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (3) Aughild's Search and CaptainCrimson's Trimmings (via Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (4) Captain Crimson's Silk Girdle andTal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (5) Captain Crimson's Waders). Note that both of these are craftable at theBlacksmith, making perfecting their rolls a somewhat easier task. A suggestedsplit between the three sets is listed below, though you can vary the piecesaccording to your preference and best rolls, as long as you maintain therequired 5 Tal's — 2 Aughild's — 2 Cpt. Crimson's set piecessplit, along with RoRG in the Cube.

Rolls-wise, this precise, AoE-oriented build will benefit greatly fromSkill Damage and Cooldown Reduction affixes, with a recommended CDR baselineof 50%. High Crit Chance and Crit Damage are needed on the gloves, alongsideIntelligence and Cooldown Reduction. Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (6) Arcane Orb % damage can roll onhelm and boots, so obtain it on both; the former should also include aCritical Hit Chance roll. The pants, belt and boots should be largelyToughness slots. Cold damage, double Crit stats and an open Socket are BiS onthe amulet. Finally, seek high Damage range, Intelligence, Crit Chance, Skilland Area Damage on your source.

With your amulet slot occupied by Tal's, your best way to finish offjewelry is to split between offense and defense in the rings with thecombination of Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (7) Convention of Elements and Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (8) Halo of Karini.Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (9) Convention of Elements boosts your elemental damage in cycles accordingto the elements available to your class, so you need to internalize itsrotation and be ready with your pulls for the Cold cycle, when you shouldburst enemies down. Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (10) Halo of Karini offers massive damage reduction thatis just about non-negotiable, and has the modest requirement of keeping yourTal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (11) Storm Armor active and keeping distance from the enemy. Note that ifyou want to introduce more tankiness to the build, either due to playingHardcore or inexperience with the playstyle, you can drop CoE for the addedsafety of Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (12) Unity, coupled with another on the follower plus animmortality relic for them (i.e. Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (13) Enchanting Favor). This will cutincoming damage in half. Another option for the Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (14) Unity is toreplace Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (15) Halo of Karini, if you dislike the proc-based protection of thelatter; this will cost you some toughness, but will repay you in reliability.This option is mostly applicable if you want to go heavy on shield-baseddefenses, by using Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (16) Magic Weapon Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (17) Deflection over Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (18) Storm Armor andrunning with Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (19) Ashnagarr's Blood Bracer in the Cube.

The mandatory weapon for the build is the Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (20) Unstable Scepter, alegendary wand that not only increases Arcane Orb damage, but also has aunique property that detonates Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (21) Arcane Orbs twice — effectivelydoubling the spec's damage output. Pair it with the otherTal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (22) Arcane Orb-dedicated legendary, the Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (23) Triumvirate source. Itsunique bonus stacks Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (24) Frozen Orb damage in three increments, achieved byan easy triple cast from your primary attack(s).


Season 32 Theme — Ethereal Weapons

With this Season's addition of Ethereal Weapons as a theme, your idealweapon during Greater Rift solo pushing will be Wizardspike,whose unique damage stacking mechanic and unrivaled skill and pure stat bonuseswill outperform any other alternatives. It needs to be rolled with the weaponpower of Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (25) Unstable Scepter, and will ideally have theTal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (26) Astral Presence passive. Learn more about Ethereal weapons in our Ethereal mechanics guide, and read upon how to farm them in the Etherealfarming guide.


Desired Stats, Breakpoints and Other Notes

For Offense stats, try to obtain Arcane Orb % bonus on the helm, boots andoff-hand (maximum of 45%), Cold elemental damage on the amulet and wrists(maximum of 40%), Crit Chance and Crit Damage within a 1:10 ratio (ideallyover 60% and 450%, respectively), and Area Damage of 150%+.

For Defense stats, aim for a life pool of 700k+; dropping as much as youcan for offense as you grow accustomed to the build. You will mostly sustainthrough your follower, so you will not be focusing on regenerative rolls ongear.

All augmentations on gear should be done with your main stat,Intelligence.

Note that the stat suggestions below portray an ideally rolled item withstats listed in relative order of importance. The first four of them are mainstats, and the latter two — secondary stats. If your item lacks and isunable to be rerolled into the primary stats outlined below, especially for astat higher on the list, strongly consider its replacement. PerfectingSecondary stats is mostly a case of hyper-optimization and is not a case fordiscarding an item, except where noted.

SlotPiecesStat Priority
  1. Intelligence
  2. Socket
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Arcane Orb % Damage
  5. Crowd Control Duration Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  6. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Area Damage
  3. Cooldown Reduction
  4. Vitality
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Health Globe Healing Bonus (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. 3 Sockets
  3. Vitality
  4. Elite Damage Reduction
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Melee or Missile Damage Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Cold % Damage
  4. Vitality
  5. Reduced Damage Melee Attacks (Secondary stat)
  1. Intelligence (or Area Damage at high Paragon)
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Cooldown Reduction
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Vitality
  3. Armor
  4. Life %
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. 2 Sockets
  3. Vitality
  4. Armor
  5. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  6. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Arcane Orb % Damage
  3. Vitality
  4. Armor
  5. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  6. Health Globe Healing Bonus (Secondary Stat)
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Cold % Damage
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Melee or Missile Damage Reduction (Secondary Stat)
Ring #1
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Area Damage
  5. Crowd Control Duration Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  6. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
Ring #2
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Area Damage
  5. Crowd Control Duration Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  6. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  1. High Weapon Damage
  2. Socket (preferably from Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (39) Ramaladni's Gift)
  3. Intelligence (or % Damage at high Paragons)
  4. Area Damage
  5. Increased Attack Speed
  1. High Damage Range
  2. Intelligence
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Arcane Orb % Damage
  5. Area Damage
  6. Arcane Power on Crit

To help you with farming the gear you need for your builds, we have two veryuseful guides that you can access by clicking the links below: a Salvage Guide tohelp you quickly check whether or not you can safely salvage a piece of gear anda Legendary Farming Guide to help you efficiently farm legendaries and set items.

Legendary Item Salvage Guide Guide to Farming Legendaries and Set Items


Altar of Rites

The former Season 28 theme, the Altar of Rites, has been revised andre-added to Diablo 3 as a permanent character progression mechanic. — Forvirtually all builds and players of all skill levels — from casual toadvanced — we recommend progressing through the Altar tree using the pathoutlined below. The suggested path is geared towards maximum quality of lifefirst, then amplifying damage, and then mopping up the tree with defensive andedge case utility nodes.

Note that while they require reaching them with a Seal, Legendary PotionPowers are not part of the Seal cost system; Potions unlock with a separateresource called Primordial Ashes, obtained from salvaging Legendary or Setitems of Primal (red bordered) quality. Upgrade them as soon as possible, andin the order shown below (courtesy of Caleko's Altar of Rites planner).

Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (41)

You can read more on the Altar of Rites, Seals and Legendary Potion Powersin our dedicated Altar of Rites Mechanics guide.

Altar of Rites Explained


Paragon Points

In the Core section, max out Movement Speed to the 25% cap. Normally thisis done by dumping the first 50 Core Paragon points into Movement Speed, butif your boots have an imperfect roll with Movement Speed as a stat that youcannot replace, adjust the necessary point investment accordingly by simplysubtracting your roll from the 25% max. After that dump as much as youcomfortably can into Intelligence, but feel free to invest into Vitality ifyou feel yourself lacking in toughness. Investing into Max Arcane Power shouldnot be necessary.

In the Offense section, max out Crit Damage, Crit Chance, CooldownReduction and Attack Speed in that order. In Defense, prioritize Armor, thenLife %, then All Resistance, and finish off with Life Regeneration. InUtility, build up Area Damage and Resource Cost Reduction first, then finishoff with Life on Hit and Globe Radius.

SlotParagon Points
  1. Movement Speed up to 25% cap
  2. Intelligence
  3. Vitality (up to personal preference)
  4. Maximum Arcane Power
  1. Critical Hit Damage
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Cooldown Reduction
  4. Attack Speed
  1. Armor
  2. Life %
  3. All Resistance
  4. Life Regeneration
  1. Area Damage
  2. Resource Cost Reduction
  3. Life on Hit
  4. Globe Radius



Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (42) Bane of the Trapped is the staple gem of the build; a potent source ofadditional damage, as it is its own multiplier in your total damagecalculation. The gem procs itself with its level 25 property, as well asvarious other sources of crowd control in the build — i.e., theTal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (43) Frozen Orb slow, the stun proc of Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (44) Zei's Stone of Vengeance, andothers. The latter is another separate damage multiplier, basing its bonusesoff distance from the enemy — a powerful reminder to keep your distancewhile playing this build.

Introduced in Season 4, Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (45) Bane of the Stricken occupies the third andfinal jewelry socket. Building up your damage multiplicatively in prolongedfights and with a level 25 bonus specifically targeting Rift Guardians, thisgem is designed to assist AoE heavy builds in their struggle against singletarget, high HP enemies during Greater Rift progression attempts.

When it comes to gear gems, you will start out progression by slotting thehighest available level of Topazes in the chest and pants sockets. Ideally,these will all be Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (46) Flawless Royal Topaz as soon as possible. As you growin Paragon (bulking up Intelligence in the Core section) and aim for highertier and more dangerous GRs, you will transition those gems into the defensiveTal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (47) Flawless Royal Ruby (Intelligence-based classes such as the Wizard arenaturally high in Resistances, so their protection scales better withimproving Armor instead). There is no specific breakpoint where you do that;the rule of thumb is to make the change as soon as you feel the lack oftoughness impede your progress. Since this is both a Cooldown and aResource-intensive build, we recommend a Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (48) Flawless Royal Diamond in thehelm, but you can also viably take Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (49) Flawless Royal Topaz here. In yourweapon, use Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (50) Flawless Royal Emerald for the Crit Damage boost.

Torso and Pants

For more information about gems, please refer to our guide on gems.

Legendary Gems and Normal Gems Guide


Kanai's Cube

The revised powers of Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (58) Wizardspike make it a mandatory inclusion ina Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (59) Frozen Orb build, albeit tucked away in the Cube. This unassumingdagger now provides both a proc-based chance to hurl an additionalTal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (60) Frozen Orb (which does not proc Area Damage, but will benefit from allother damage multipliers), as well as a massive damage multiplier for theskill itself.

You have reasonable flexibility in the armor Cube slot during Greater Riftprogression. Our default recommendation is Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (61) Aquila Cuirass, which cutsincoming damage in half as long as you maintain your resource reserves above90% — usually active in the periods in between your burst window, whichis long enough to warrant its inclusion. Another viable alternative is to slotTal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (62) Ashnagarr's Blood Bracer here, if you opt for a shield-heavy variationwith Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (63) Magic Weapon Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (64) Deflection and Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (65) Galvanizing Ward.

For the jewelry Cube slot, you will need to use theTal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (66) Ring of Royal Grandeur in order to tie the Tal Rasha, Aughild and Cpt.Crimson sets together. This cache legendary ring from Act I bounties reducesthe number of worn items required for set bonus completion by one, allowingfor the set amalgamation described above.

The Kanai's Cube can be used for much more than simply extracting Legendary powers from items. Pleaserefer to our Kanai's Cube guide for more information.

Kanai's Cube guide



For Greater Rift progression with this build, we recommend theTemplar for his essential heal and cheat death abilities. TheTemplar is a preferable choice due to the lacking sustain in this build, aswell as the overall lackluster cheat death passive that Wizards have.

For more information regarding followers, we advise you to read our FollowerGuide, which contains detailed advice for choosing the skills and the gear ofyour follower.

Diablo 3 Follower Guide


Legendary Potion

The preferred potions for this build are Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (67) Bottomless Potion of Kulle-Aid(allowing you to break down Waller affixes that impede Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (68) Frozen Orb DPS),Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (69) Bottomless Potion of the Unfettered (giving you a brief window of CCimmunity to counter your lack of CC-breaking or immunity skills), orTal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (70) Bottomless Potion of the Tower (whose Armor-increasing propertiescomplement the naturally high All Resistances stat of Wizards). Pick whicheveryou feel helps you out the most.



  • 10 Jul. 2024: Added Season 32 advice for ethereal weapons.
  • 10 Apr. 2024: Added Season 31 advice for the unbound Kanai's Cube slots.
  • 10 Jan. 2024: Revised guide for the permanent addition of the Altar of Rites, and added Season-specific Soul Shard recommendations.
  • 13 Sep. 2023: Added Season 29 Paragon Cap and Gearing recommendations.
  • 22 Feb. 2023: Added Season 28 Altar of Rites recommendations.
  • 26 Aug. 2022: Added Season 27 Angelic Crucible recommendations.
  • 14 Apr. 2022: Guide reviewed for Season 26.
  • 06 Dec. 2021: Added Season 25 Soul Shard recommendations.
  • 30 Oct. 2021: Guide added.

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Tal Frozen Orb Wizard BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

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