How to pay for your web hosting by credit card (2024)

Paiement & Facturation

17 Avril 2024

Créé par karen

1mn de lecture


  • Introduction
  • What type of credit card is accepted?
  • How do I pay by credit card?
  • Do you have a bank card and want to pay by PayPal?
  • How long does it take to deliver an order paid for by credit card?



At LWS, you can pay for your hosting and services using different payment methods.

In this help section, you will see how to pay for your hosting by credit card. You can also choose to pay by credit card via Paypal.

What type of credit card is accepted?

You can pay with any type of bank card: Visa, Mastercard, Electron, prepaid card, e-Carte-Bleue, etc.

How do I pay by credit card?

Payment by credit card is available directly on the quotation issued when the order is placed. You can choose between credit card and PayPal.

To order, follow this link: how to order

To pay, simply click on the credit card payment icon that appears on the summary of your quote to be redirected to our secure online payment platform, or on the PayPal icon if you prefer to pay by credit card using the PayPal platform.

How to pay for your web hosting by credit card (1)

How to pay for your web hosting by credit card (2)

When you order different services, you may notice that there are 2 different payment pages. This depends on the packages attached to your order.

You will then be able to choose the type of payment card you require:

How to pay for your web hosting by credit card (3)

When you pay by credit card, your card will be automatically registered on your customer account to facilitate the automatic renewal of your services.

Trucs et astuces

What should I do if my payment is refused? We advise you to contact your bank for more information about the reason for the refusal. LWS uses the services of a European bank for all its transactions (excluding PayPal) and this bank is obliged to carry out 3D Secure v2 verification, which not all banks yet allow. If you have any problems, then pay via PayPal with your bank card


Do you have a bank card and want to pay by PayPal?

It's perfectly possible, and you don't need to have or create a PayPal account to do so. Your card and/or your PayPal account will not be registered on your account and automatic renewal will not be activated.

See our documentation for paying with a bank card via a PayPal account.

How long does it take to deliver an order paid for by credit card?

All orders paid for by credit card are processed within the hour.

You will then receive an email with all the necessary instructions for using your customer account and the product ordered.

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Questions sur l'article

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RNGIl y a757 days

Bonjour,Comment payer le renouvellement de l'hébergement par virement bancaire ordinaire - avec une carte de débit (à partir de la Belgique) ?D'avance, merci :-)

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1 answers

fabrice-LWS - Il y a756 days

Bonjour, je suis navré mais les seuls moyens de paiement proposé sont CB et Paypal. Depuis la Belgique, vous devriez pouvoir passer par Paypal et enregistrer un compte bancaire Belge sur ce dernier si vous désirez que Paypal prélève la somme sur ce dernier.

Utile ?

LOLOIl y a744 days

Mon abonnement expire le 04/08/2022. Pour des difficultés financières actuelles, serait-il possible de suspendre momentanément mon abonnement?

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1 answers

fabrice-LWS - Il y a742 days

Bonjour, votre hébergement sera suspendu en cas de non-renouvellement. Il vous sera possible de renouveler ce dernier pendant la période de suspension et tant que le domaine sera visible sur votre espace client LWS (environ 30 jours). Il est toutefois à noter que des frais de restauration peuvent s'appliquer sur certaines extensions tel que les .COM durant la période de suspension. Ces frais nous sont imposés par les registres supérieurs.

Utile ?

BoukarIl y a643 days

BonjourJe suis titualire du domaine boukar.comje souhaite faire un paiement en ligne par CB Svp envoyez moi le leine

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1 answers

fabrice-LWS - Il y a641 days

Bonjour, vous avez la possibilité de renouveler votre formule Web en vous rendant sur votre espace client et en cliquant sur le bouton "Renouveler" se trouvant derrière cette dernière.

Utile ?

regiIl y a475 days

possible de payer avec une cb qui n'est pas la mienne ?

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1 answers

Benjamin-LWS - Il y a474 days


Merci de votre question.

Dans la mesure où la personne propriétaire de la carte estd'accord pour un achat sur nos services, oui vous pouvez utiliser une carte qui n'est pas la vôtre.

Je vous remercie de votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information.

Nous vous invitons à contacter notre service support à travers votre espace client, afin de vous apporter une aide si vous rencontrez des difficultés quelconque.(Contacter le support LWS)

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS

Utile ?

damsIl y a190 days

le paiement par CB ne marche pas. comment renouveler l'hébergement ?

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1 answers

Jordan-LWS - Il y a187 days


Je vous remercie pour votre message et je suis navré que vous ayez des problèmes avec le paiement par carte bancaire.

Je tiens à préciser que notre paiement par CB fonctionne bel et bien, mais il est possible qu'un problème ait lieu avec votre CB, de ce fait je vous inviterais à contacter le service commercial afin qu'il trouve une solution et vous explique les causes du non-fonctionnement de votre paiement.

Pour ce faire, je vous invite à suivre cette documentation étape par étape et vous devriez être en mesure de pouvoir les contacter.

Je vous remercie pour votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information.

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS.

Utile ?

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How to pay for your web hosting by credit card (2024)


How do I take credit card payments on my website? ›

How to accept payments from customers on a website
  1. Identify your business needs. ...
  2. Choose a payment processor. ...
  3. Create an account with the payment processor. ...
  4. Integrate the payment processor into your website. ...
  5. Configure your payment settings. ...
  6. Test your payment system. ...
  7. Launch your payment system. ...
  8. Manage your transactions.
Aug 9, 2023

Does GoDaddy accept credit cards? ›

If you're looking for a way to easily accept payments from customers, check out GoDaddy Payments, which is integrated with all our website solutions (including GoDaddy Airo). Our payment solution securely accepts credit and debit card payments anywhere any time.

Can I pay to merchant using credit card? ›

Yes, customers can pay merchants using Credit cards registered on UPI. Can I transfer money directly from credit card to bank account? No, Only Merchant payment is allowed from the Credit Card registered on UPI. How to use RuPay card for online payment?

How can clients pay me with a credit card? ›

To accept credit card payments, your business needs a payment processor, POS hardware (if you're accepting in-person payments), online payment gateway (if you're accepting e-commerce payments) and a merchant account. Usually, you can get all of these components from the same provider.

How do I pay for something online with a credit card? ›

The customer completes the merchant's checkout process and elects to pay via credit or debit card, submitting their card details. The merchant securely transfers the transaction information (including these card details) to their payment gateway.

What is the best platform to accept online credit card payments? ›

9 Best Online Payment Processing Services of August 2024
ProductBest for▼
PaymentCloud Read Review4.5/5 Best for High-risk merchants
Amazon Pay Read Review4.5/5 Best for Streamlined checkout
Adyen Read Review4.0/5 Best for Omnichannel commerce
BlueSnapBest for Splitting payments with other vendors
5 more rows

Which Payment Methods work with GoDaddy payments? ›

Credit or debit cards: GoDaddy Payments accepts all major credit and debit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. Apple Pay and Google Pay are also accepted.

How much does GoDaddy charge per transaction? ›

GoDaddy Payments offers lower transaction fees compared to other leading processing providers. ¹ Just pay a low fee of 2.5% + 0¢ per in-person transaction, 2.7% + 30¢ per online transaction, and 3.5% + 0¢ for keyed-in transactions.

How do I add a payment method to my website? ›

How to Add Payment Processing to a Website
  1. Table of Contents:
  2. #1 Ask Your Website Host About Payment Gateway Compatibility.
  3. #2 Choose a Payment Gateway.
  4. #3 Sign Up for Merchant Services (AKA a Merchant Account) and Link Them to the Gateway.
  5. #4 Build Your eCommerce Store.
  6. #5 Add Your Accepted Payment Methods to the Store.
Nov 22, 2022

What can you not pay on a credit card? ›

Loans, like mortgages, are unlikely to be able to be paid with a credit card. If they can, they charge a significant processing fee. This fee will be much greater than any cashback you earn.

How to make online transactions using a credit card? ›

Enter your card number, name, the expiry date of the card, and the CVV number (the three-digit number on the back of your card). Sometimes, you may be asked for the billing address too. When you submit this information, you will receive an OTP or one-time password on your registered mobile number or email address.

Can merchants charge 2% extra on credit card payments? ›

Credit card surcharging enables a business to charge an additional fee (up to a maximum of 3% of the total transaction for Visa and up to 4% for Mastercard) when a customer pays with a credit card. This is meant to cover the cost of the processing fees for the business.

How to integrate credit card payment on website? ›

How to Accept Credit Card Payments on Your Website
  1. Choose a Payment Processor. ...
  2. Set up a Merchant Account. ...
  3. Integrate the Payment Gateway. ...
  4. Ensure Security. ...
  5. Test Some Transactions. ...
  6. Consider Mobile Compatibility.
Oct 12, 2023

Does Shopify payments accept credit cards? ›

Credit cards and co-branded debit cards

You can pay your Shopify bills, whether they're one-time or recurring, using valid credit cards from Mastercard, Visa, or American Express. It's important to ensure that your credit card allows for recurring payments.

How to take credit card payment without a machine? ›

Payment Service Providers (PSPs) work in a similar way to merchant accounts. They accept and hold the funds from credit card payments until the transaction is processed. However, they are often much cheaper and more accessible. PSPs do not usually charge a prohibitive monthly fee.

How do I accept a credit card payment online? ›

Here are the steps you need to take for your business to start taking credit card payments:
  1. Decide which cards to accept - Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay, Google Pay etc.
  2. Select a payment provider.
  3. Set up a merchant account.
  4. Choose a payment gateway.
  5. Install a card reader or terminal.

How can I accept credit card payment online? ›

How can I take card payments online? Payment service providers, such as PayPal, Stripe and Square, allow you to accept card payments online. Simply open an account with one of these providers and include a link for your customers to pay.

How do I add a card payment to my website? ›

How to Add Payment Method on Website?
  1. Evaluate payment gateway services offered by your web host. ...
  2. Choose a Payment Gateway. ...
  3. Check and compare details of setup, transaction and other fees details. ...
  4. Add Payment Methods. ...
  5. Create a merchant account.

How can you take credit cards payments across the net? ›

A payment gateway takes the information sent by the client to you, uses data encryption and sends it to the Credit Card company/ issuing bank and acquiring bank. The company/issuing bank can check if the client has access to available credit and approve or reject the transaction.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Views: 6264

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.